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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ballet Conditioning

Springtime is upon us, and that means that swim suit whether is almost here!  Which means, it is time to diet and exercise my way to a lean and healthy body. Especially, since I have packed on a few pounds due to being in the wonderful newlywed coma. But with our first year anniversary coming up, it is most defiantly time to snap out of it, and shed some of the extra weight.
With a busy schedule, I'm always trying to find ways to fit in a good workout. Like most, it is very rare to find an actual exercise class that I can squeeze in between my full time job, my husband, making dinner, daily chores, etc. Sheesh, sometimes it is even hard to set aside time at all for a daily dose. So, in the past I have dabbled and soon came to embrace the workout DVD lifestyle. It may not be for everyone, but I have found it to be amazing. It is just a luxury to work out when I want, and in the convenience of my own home. Which brings me to today's post...
If you are looking for a way to get in shape, I reccomend...
"Element Ballet Conditioning" DVD is quite good. It is actully very beautiful and has very clear instruction, both audio and visual. Whether you are a dancer or not, this workout will defiantly help shape, tone, and strengthen your body. I would say anyone without dance experience could pick this up after a few tries. And for dancers alike, it is still very challenging. The fitness level, I'd say, would be beginner to intermediate. Also, since it is a DVD, you can work at your own pace and speed. It does not have a heavy concentration on cardio, so I would advise alternating this video with something else with a more heavy cardio focus throughout the week.  You can also check it out on to get a taste.
Element Ballet Conditioning DVD

Instructor's name: Elise Gulan
Type of Workout: Aerobics & Toning
Fitness Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Equipment  Needed: Chair
Total Running      Time:51 Minutes
Warm-up: 3.5 minutes (rhythmic  stretch)

Workout: 43.5 minutes (toning with a  brief cardio section)

Cool-down: 3.5 minutes  (stretch)

Total Workout Time: 50  minutes

Stretches and Thigh  Work
Streamlining Extension and  Gluteal Work
Cardio Boost Kicks and  Jumps
Core Work and Final  Stretches

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